How Does CPU Throttling Impact Kubernetes Performance?

Gilad David Maayan
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2023


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What is CPU Throttling in Kubernetes?

CPU throttling in Kubernetes is the process of limiting the CPU resources a container can consume, which can have a significant impact on Kubernetes performance, and as a result, on Kubernetes cost. It prevents individual containers from monopolizing available resources, ensuring a fair distribution among all running workloads. In Kubernetes, you can define resource requests and limits for each container within a pod, specifying their allowed CPU usage.

To understand how this works, it’s essential to know two key concepts: CPU shares and CFS quotas. CPU shares determine the relative weight assigned to each container when distributing available CPU cycles; higher values indicate higher priority. CFS quotas set a hard limit on the CPU time a container can consume within a specific period.

Setting CPU limits is vital for avoiding CPU throttling, which occurs when a container exceeds its allocated CPU resources. When this happens, the container’s CPU usage is restricted, leading to degraded application performance. By setting CPU requests and limits, you can ensure smooth operation of your Kubernetes cluster without CPU throttling issues.

To prevent CPU throttling, it’s recommended to set CPU limits based on the number of CPU cores available in your cluster. This ensures that each container gets a fair share of available resources and prevents any single container from monopolizing resources. By setting CPU limits, you can also ensure consistent and predictable application performance.

How Requests and Limits Work in Kubernetes

Requests and limits are concepts related to throttling. In Kubernetes, requests and limits are used to allocate resources like CPU and memory for containers within a pod. Here is a quick definition:

  • Requests: Setting a request value for your container’s CPU or memory ensures that Kubernetes allocates enough resources on the node where the container runs, preventing resource starvation issues.
  • Limits: Setting limits on your container’s CPU or memory usage protects other containers running on the same node from excessive resource consumption. If a container exceeds its limit, Kubernetes may throttle its performance or terminate it, depending on the situation.

Configuring appropriate requests and limits is crucial for optimal performance and avoiding CPU throttling in Kubernetes clusters. Kubernetes CPU limits help prevent excessive resource consumption and ensure that your application performance remains unaffected. By setting CPU limits, you can avoid CPU throttled performance and ensure smooth operation of your application.

The Risks of Operating Kubernetes Without Limits

Operating a Kubernetes cluster without resource limits can lead to various issues that negatively affect the performance and stability of your applications. Common risks include:

  • OOM errors: Out-of-memory (OOM) errors occur when a container tries to consume more memory than is available on the node, resulting in process termination.
  • Excessive resource use: Containers may consume excessive resources, like CPU or memory, leading to degraded performance for other containers on the same node.
  • Increased expenses: Overprovisioning resources results in higher infrastructure costs due to inefficient utilization.
  • Resource hogging: A single container might monopolize all available resources on a node, starving other containers and causing application downtime or poor user experience.

To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to implement proper resource management strategies within your Kubernetes environment. This includes setting appropriate requests and limits for each container based on their specific requirements. Kubernetes CPU limits and CPU throttling are two effective ways to prevent CPU throttling and ensure optimal CPU utilization for your applications.

Kubernetes can easily become overloaded if not properly managed, leading to inefficient resource management. To ensure optimal performance, it’s crucial to understand how CPU throttling works in Kubernetes and the available strategies for its prevention.

How Do You Avoid CPU Throttling in Kubernetes?

To prevent CPU throttling in Kubernetes, it’s essential to manage your cluster resources effectively. Here are some best practices that can help with resource management:

  • Set requests and limits: Configure the right amount of resources for each container by setting proper requests and limits.
  • Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor your cluster’s performance using tools like kube-state-metrics and Kubernetes Lens, and adjust resource allocations as needed. Be prepared for troubleshooting when performance issues arise.
  • Use Quality of Service (QoS) classes: Implement QoS classes, such as Guaranteed, Burstable, or BestEffort, to prioritize workloads based on their importance.
  • Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA): Utilize VPA to automatically adjust pod resource requests based on usage patterns.
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA): Use HPA to scale pods horizontally according to demand.


Kubernetes CPU Throttling is a vital aspect of managing Kubernetes clusters. By understanding how requests and limits work, the risks of operating without limits, and how to avoid throttling, you can ensure smooth operation of your applications.

Setting appropriate resource requests and limits for each container in a pod is crucial for preventing CPU throttling. Failing to do so can lead to poor application performance or even crashes, but by effectively managing resources in a Kubernetes cluster, you can avoid the risk of throttling and improve Kubernetes performance and reliability.



Head of Agile SEO, a technology writer who has worked with SAP, Samsung, NetApp, and hundreds of other technology brands.